Astro Empires Fleet Glitch

AstroEmpires is one of those mostly-text-based space fleet combat games that are great for wasting a few minutes each day if you're bored and have access to a browser. They have added more graphical features as time goes on, including multiple upgrades to their maps.

Of course, sometimes even server-side browser games glitch out. I tried to send some fleet to rendezvous at one of my bases, but the server was having problems. Rather than stopping at the planet they were ordered to, they just continued on, hurtling through space.

The game eventually reset back a few hours to fix the problem, but part of me wishes they would have kept random hazards like this in the game as an intentional feature. Ooops, your giant battle fleet was hurled off into the great unknown!

Astro Empires Glitch
 "Um.. Sir? We've just left the galaxy and passed by some giant yellow numbers."

Astro Empires Fleet Glitch
Tron is a lot less impressive in real life.

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